just sayin…

No Dictation

March 31, 2008

60 Minutes last night on tortured innocent at Guantanamo…

Filed under: Torture — webmaster @ 12:24 pm

Nightmare At Guantanamo Bay

First interview: Picked up at 19, held and tortured for 5 years.

When the Bush administration talks about “immunity”, it is themselves they are worried about. Most of the “detainees” are innocent people picked up randomly, or as in this case, turned in for cash or favors. Even when their innocence has been accepted and confirmed by our own intelligence services, the American torture system does not know what to do with these traumatized people.

It is coming out and it is ugly. Any American citizen that still fools themselves that Guantanamo only holds “bad actors”, as Cheney likes to say, must be deliberately planted head first in sand… or too distracted, texting in their choice for American Idol.

Only the delirium of nationalistic fever could create this nightmare.

The war on terror is hogwash, and the evening news is like coming attractions for Orwell’s Hate Night.

“Radical Shia blah blah blah” “Radical Insurgant blah blah blah”…

Angry men with guns? Yes.

What if the Iraqis freed us from Bush? He does have weapons of etc. etc., he is an eminent threat. What if they built a green zone around Washington?

What would they be calling you?

I would be “Radical Jewish Catholic Female”…

The biggest impediment to war is the compassion of the American people. That compassion has been exploited and misdirected. The war must be kept noble and worthy until the Oil Law is signed, OOPS I mean the BENCH MARKS… the bench marks have been reached. Once that happens the entire narrative will be different.

Dick Kazan, on his blog The Ramblings of a Sane Man (www.SaneRamblings.com), writes an excellent scenario of what the story would look like if it were reversed.

“George W. Bush is a tyrant,” said Saddam Hussein angrily. “He has Weapons of Mass Destruction and he will use them. The world would be far safer without him. He’s got to go.”

Then ignoring world opinion, Saddam ordered the invasion of Washington DC. Watching it on TV, many Iraqis were dazzled by the colorful fireworks show Saddam proudly called “shock and awe.” But sadly, it killed thousands of innocent U.S. civilians and blew-up entire neighborhoods.



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