Phil Donahue defends free speech…
Phil Donahue on Hannity and Colmes
Part 1
Part 2
The ideologues sure have it covered. If you point out any facts that show America in a bad light, or in other words that there are two sides to every story, they roll out “Liberals hate America”. Being against an unnecessary war… “Liberals are weak on defence”. Pointing out the blunder after being right about absolutely everything… “Liberals don’t support the troops”.
Under Hannity’s definition of evil doers, the Bush regime fits the bill. Sweeps people off the street, no lawyer or trial, torture, attacking a country that didn’t attack first, many many weapons of mass destruction and a history of using them, threats to other nations, spying on American citizens…
Thank god for the Liberals of the planet or people like Hannity would be bombing us to bring us freedom.
Go Phil!!