Added some pages…
To the left you will see that I added a section in the pages called Classic Clips. I have been going through some seriously great video clips and decided it would be nice to have them easily found. Enjoy…
To the left you will see that I added a section in the pages called Classic Clips. I have been going through some seriously great video clips and decided it would be nice to have them easily found. Enjoy…
Bears and Balls
A look at the housing crises
I added a new page to the left below the bumper stickers. It has the newest 10 videos from the real news site.
I heard an interesting insight the other day on some show. The Right Wing keeps talking about spreading Freedom and Democracy. Well this person cleared up the disconnect between those of us who see Freedom and Democracy as: Freedom, meaning freedom from tyranny, and Democracy meaning having Constitution, a democratically elected government, a Bill of rights etc.
WRONG! The Right Wing means Freedom as in the freedom to do what ever business wants or needs to do to make a profit, with no over sight or regulation. Democracy means unfettered capitalism. Government leaves you alone if you are making huge profits which pay for election campaigns, and the government uses the tax payers money to bail you out when it all goes horribly wrong on Wall Street. That is what the Right Wing wants to spread. Now their concern about spreading Freedom and Democracy makes sense.
With Democracy you have these well behaved citizens who keep paying their taxes and providing a steady cash flow. That kind of freedom also works well with Dictatorships/Fascism/Corporatism which is why we love China and Saudi Arabia, but the Bush loyalists wouldn’t enjoy saying we are spreading Freedom and Fascism.
I hope we don’t go the way of some of the Democracies where we exported our brand of freedom. There was so much freedom, things like electricity and water got privatized/corporatized. Citizens get ugly when they can’t afford to drink water. Ugly citizens don’t deserve Democracy, so until they can behave, dictators get supported—to preserve freedom. Not the ‘Freedom from Tyranny’ kind of freedom… the other kind.
John Perkins in Economic Hitman laid it all out, I just didn’t get it that “Freedom and Democracy”, depending on your political outlook, could be so distorted.
Speaking of John Perkins, I found a series of lectures on Veterans for Peace. I put them on their own page. Perkin’s book and Naomi Klein’s, Shock Doctrine force you to observe world events as they unfold, in a more inquiring way. It becomes impossible to unquestionably digest the the thin gruel narrated by the TV News.
Great Music Video that grows on you
Only Barack could inspire this…
I am sorry but this song was actually stuck in my head the other night as I was cleaning up after work. Has there ever been a candidate that gets us to be this silly? We all want him to be everything…
Barack Obama at The Cooper Union Building
Obama with concrete policies and … surprise, eloquence!
Finally it is on line. I was lucky to catch most of it live on, but heard from the blogs that the beginning was great. Oh by the way, this crap that Bush is spouting, check out Juan Cole’s blog for the middle East. It is on the Blogroll to the left.