just sayin…

No Dictation

August 26, 2009

Sibel Edmonds finally gets to speak about treason and blackmail and espionage.

Filed under: Sibel Edmonds — webmaster @ 9:50 pm

Bradblog.com has the back story on this. Thank you Brad! These videos are mind blowing and should be watched by anyone that is interested in spy vs spy intrigue. Sibel edmonds has taken a polyagraph and come up clean. She has been gagged by the use of the State Secrets claims twice during the W years. Obama’s Justice department made noises about stopping this testimony but never showed up to gag her. Long story short, the excuse for this is Kirkorian vs. Schmidtt… google it.

Sibel Edmonds Deposition, 8/8/09: PART 1 of 5 from Velvet Revolution on Vimeo.

Sibel Edmonds Deposition, 8/8/09: PART 2 of 5 from Justice Through Music on Vimeo.

Sibel Edmonds Deposition, 8/8/09: PART 3 of 5 from Justice Through Music on Vimeo.

Sibel Edmonds Deposition, 8/8/09: PART 4 of 5 from Justice Through Music on Vimeo.

Sibel Edmonds Deposition, 8/8/09: PART 5 of 5 from Justice Through Music on Vimeo.

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